How many protein shakes to drink a day

About The Author

Jeremy Reid

2 Responses and Counting...

  • Mel 08.01.2014

    Thanks for the protien shake video. You say post workout to have one to boost protien…I workout from 12 to 1 usually so if I take this post workout. ..would this be considered my lunch or woukd o still eat lunch a couple hours later? Thanks Jeremy
    Appreciate your advice.

  • Sorry for the late reply Mel! Your comment was flagged as SPAM for some reason (UGH!) The protein shake post workout will send some quick aminos to your muscles post workout but I would tailer your nutrition to have a real “meal” 1.5-2.5 hours later. The makeup of that meal would depend on a lot of things like: your goals, your body, your age, etc. but yes, another meal should be eaten regardless. Thanks so much for your comment! Keep in touch.

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