Never Give Up! Ever!

  • I get a lot of emails every day. Most of them are people looking for more information on my training services and about 90% of them will tell me at least the last 1-2 attempts they’ve made to lose weight/gain muscle/ etc. and WHY it failed for them. In 100% of these stories the end result is that person “gave up” on the program. They either weren’t the results they were looking for, or the results weren’t coming as fast as they expected or something.

    I am NOT telling you to sit and stay with a program that is bearing NO fruit in your life but the common factor in a lot of people is that they pulled the plug, they pressed the panic button, they gave up, asked for a refund, threw in the towel…[you get the point] after a very short period of time.

    Many of my clients see a small increase in weight or the scale moves very little for the first several weeks HOWEVER their progress photos show MEGA improvement. Body composition changes are real, photos and results don’t lie. To give up or give in or call something or someone (including yourself) a “failure” because the stupid scale doesn’t show you a number you were expecting is crazy. How low in weight are you wanting to go? Infant weight? 😉

    Don’t be afraid to switch programs, switch from something that’s not working to something else, HOWEVER don’t you EVER GIVE UP on yourself! Don’t ever have the thought, “Is there still hope for me?”

    There is ALWAYS hope for all of us, we are ALL worthy of change, we are ALL worth the fight, we are ALL more powerful than we can ever imagine if we apply ourselves and have the right program in place.

    I believe in you and I know you were made to be happy. Keep moving forward!



    June 19th, 2013 | JRF | No Comments |

About The Author

Jeremy Reid

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