Proper Pre-Workout Nutrition

  • JEREMY.FINALS (8 of 40)Your pre-workout nutrition is one of the most important times of your day to make sure your body is properly fueled. Doing intense anaerobic exercise with the proper positive nitrogen balance will ensure that your muscles have the needed amino acids for recovery.

    Keep this in mind…..your body WILL get the amino acids it needs for recovery. It will either come from the food you eat or it will start eating it’s own muscle for those nutrients (we don’t want this at all). Your body is already starting the repair process before you even finish the workout so even if you have a protein rich meal post-workout you’ve already lost some valuable time and possibly muscle in the process. Strenuous exercise without being properly fed can lead you to be very catabolic which can lead to muscle loss and in return a lowered metabolism, lower strength, lowered immune system and more. If this is done over prolonged periods of time you will find it harder and harder to get to your fat loss goals and will likely never get to your muscle gaining goals. This can lead to a state of being very “skinny-fat” or worse depending on how much weight you have to lose.

    So what’s the answer? A solid pre-workout meal loaded with (at a minimum) a good source of protein, preferably animal based protein.

    Amino acids are broken up into two groups, essential (ones that must come from the food you eat or an external source) and non-essential (ones our body has the ability to create on our own via the liver) for proper nitrogen balance and recovery to happen we will want to make sure we are getting adequate protein intake from complete protein sources. Plant based protein can be tricky because although there are plenty of plants that contain higher protein amounts, a lot of them aren’t complete proteins OR their protein to carb ratio is so low that in order to get adequate amounts of protein, you’re also taking in excessive amounts of carbohydrates which wouldn’t be conducive to many peoples goals. Eggs, turkey, chicken, beef, fish and dairy products are all complete proteins which will work great for achieving the desired results. I recommend eating a protein rich meal and possibly a small to moderate amount of complex carbohydrates 60-90 minutes before anaerobic workouts.

    My online training clients will know that I am a stickler about their peri-workout nutrition (nutrition surrounding their pre, post and intra workout) due to the incredible effect it has on our results.

    Essential Amino Acids
    • Histidine
    • Isoleucine
    • Leucine
    • Valine
    • Lysine
    • Methionine
    • Phenylalanine
    • Threonine
    • Tryptophan

    Non Essential Amino Acids
    • Alanine
    • Arginine
    • Asparagine
    • Aspartic Acid
    • Cysteine
    • Glutamic acid
    • Glutamine
    • Glycine
    • Proline
    • Serine
    • Tyrosine

    Most people can benefit from protein intake somewhere around 25-50 grams pre workout.

    Make sure to like and subscribe to me all over the web for the latest write-ups, posts and videos.

    Your partner in health,

    December 9th, 2015 | Jeremy Reid | No Comments |

About The Author

Jeremy Reid

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