Happy Flex Friday! 06/14/13

  • Happy Flex Friday! Post your Flex shots on my facebook page!

    Sometimes we all need to get re-energized, re-inspired, reminded why we have goals in the first place. Especially in fitness where the results seem to come so slowly that it’s easy to think our efforts aren’t worth the results. For some that re-energized feeling can mean a positive comment from a stranger or a friend that comes out of the blue. For others it could be seeing yourself in a new light, a new mindset, one that is not filled with negative self-talk or degrading feelings, but one of joy and a sense of being confident in your skin no matter where in your fitness journey you are.

    This photo for me is MY inspiration, energizer and reminds me of my continual effort to take my physique to the next level, inspire people and show everyone no matter how far off from their goals they are, ANYTHING is possible. I know not everyone wants to be a ”bodybuilder” but that’s not the point here, the point is ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE. Maybe you were once over 100lbs overweight and now are training for a marathon, maybe you have dreams of climbing a mountain, or fighting MMA, or [fill in your blank]. The point with my journey is that it shows you is that if you set your mind to it, work hard enough and stay consistent you too can reach your goals and SO MUCH further. In what feels like a blink of an eye, you are doing things and looking at yourself in ways you never dreamed of.

    In this photo I weigh less than I have in about a year, but to be honest, I think this is the most muscular I’ve ever looked. Weight can be deceiving, the leaner you are the bigger you look for many. Several weeks ago I changed up my training and nutrition and it is without a doubt working. My body is responding in a big way. I am SO happy with what I see in these photos and it inspires me to push harder, keep pressing, making each day better than the last. THIS was my re-energizer!

    Are you going after your goals? Are you striving to make today better than yesterday? Are you actively looking for ways to inspire and help people around you? If not…..why?

    Have a great weekend friends!

    I write this with much love for you,



    June 14th, 2013 | JRF | No Comments |

About The Author

Jeremy Reid

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